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It is often said that companies – particularly large companies with enormous IT budgets – do not buy products, they buy roadmaps. No one wants to go to the trouble of optimizing software for something that turns out to be a one-off product, forcing them to port code and tune


New Year, New Data Strategy: How AI And Scalable Storage Shape 2025’s Resolutions

COMMISSIONED: The new year has arrived, bringing with it the usual resolutions: get fitter, read more books, maybe finally tackle that ever-growing email backlog. But for tech leaders, this time of year isn’t just about personal betterment; it’s about rethinking how to unlock business value. And in 2025, one resolution


The Coming Age Of The Internet Of Agents

Almost a year ago, executives, researchers, and developers within the Outshift group of Cisco Systems – an incubation unit focused on such advanced technologies as AI and quantum computing – began batting about the idea of a network infrastructure connecting vast numbers of AI agents from multiple vendors or organizations,

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GenAI Boom: Datacenter Spending Forecast Raised Again

Economic and technical forces have a kind of momentum that keeps them growing even as any new technology goes through its inevitable hype cycle from innovation to inflated expectations to disillusionment to deployment into productivity. As far as Gartner chief forecaster, John Lovelock, is concerned, we hit the peak GenAI


How Enterprise AI Can Ease The Data Gravity Burden

COMMISSIONED:  Among the many tough decisions IT leaders face is where to best host AI workloads. Whether you’re deploying traditional AI applications that predict supply chain performance or launching generative AI digital assistants that serve information to customers, the location options for such software are myriad. Yet the calculus has


HLRS Takes First Steps To Exascale

The University of Stuttgart’s High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) in Germany tapped Hewlett Packard Enterprise back in December 2023 to build a prototype hybrid CPU-GPU supercomputer nicknamed “Hunter” to pave the way towards an exascale-class machine it is budgeting to have installed in 2027 called “Herder.” The Hunter system is


TSMC Can’t Be Caught Or Bought, Only Sought Or Stolen

It is not hard to figure out who is in the catbird seat in the semiconductor foundry business. In 2024, according to CC Wei, chief executive officer of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co, the overall industry, including making chip masks, etching logic wafers, and packing and testing finished chips, grew by


Can Synthetic Data Help Us Scale AI’s Data Wall?

COMMISSIONED: As with any emerging technology, implementing generative AI large language models (LLMs) isn’t easy and it’s totally fair to look side-eyed at anyone who suggests otherwise. From issues identifying use cases that maximize business value to striking the right balance between hard-charging innovation and sound governance, companies face their fair


Red Hat Woos VMware Shops With OpenShift Virtualization Engine

Broadcom’s $61 billion acquisition of VMware in November 2023 and the subsequent changes to venerable virtualization company’s business model and pricing have rankled many long-time enterprise users, a situation that has been highly publicized despite assertions by Broadcom and VMware executives that such reports are little than FUD – short


It’s January: Datacenter Compute Rumors And Moves

As one year ends and another begins, this is often the time when people change jobs and companies change strategies. So it is never much of a surprise to see key people in datacenter compute change jobs, seeking new opportunities and better strategies, or to hear about potential acquisition targets.

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